Monday, November 10, 2014

O Brother Where Art Thou Class Assignment

Presentation question: Answer two of the three questions.

1. How is James Joyce related to O Brother where art thou?

James Joyce wrote the modern day adaptation of The Odyssey with his Ulysses. He is paralleled with the character of Vernon T. Waltrip, who is a supporter of Homer Stokes. Homer, of course, wrote the Odyssey. The point is further made clear by the physical similarities between Vernon T. Waltrip and James Joyce.

3. How did the Coen manage to represent the cyclops?

John Goodman portrayed the Cyclops as a one-eyed Bible salesman who wore an eye patch. Use of the low camera angles in his scenes portrayed him as a large character echoing the giant from the Odyssey.

Video Analysis questions: answer two of the following

2. How is cross-cutting important during the river scene?

It gave it a sense of motion like the river around them and the men were being pulled under by the sirens, as if they were a strong current. The expressions and being cross-cut gave it a great sense of comedy and drama. It was entertaining as the men were getting sucked down.

4. What is the oddity in the point of view after the fade to black in the river scene?

The oddity is that it is a return point-of-view shot; we don't see what Delmar is looking at, we see Delmar looking.

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