Thursday, September 4, 2014

Sherlock Jr.

Buster Keaton used physical—or slapstick—comedy in his role in Sherlock Jr., In addition to slapstick comedy, Buster Keaton was also known for his stoned-face expressions; which garnered him fame and why audiences fell in love with him.  As Gunning shared " Keaton became less an expressive character than a master of physical comedy, a ricocheting, impassive body within a larger comic scheme."  

Comparing Buster Keaton to more contemporary comedies would include National Lampoon's Vacation, European Vacation, and Christmas Vacation, along with Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Tommy Boy, and many others. Comedic actors, like Chevy Chase, use physical, slapstick, comedy to make audiences laugh. Including the variety of facial expressions—although not stone-faced—Chevy Chase uses to create comedy. Also, in all three National Lampoon Vacation movies, physical and sometimes violent stunts are preformed that make audiences cringe, yet they are humorous and that is what they are intended for. 

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